Your Connection To the Spirit Realm
Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand your vision of what is possible

What I Can Do FOR YOU.
I bridge the divide between the physical world and the spiritual world.
Psychic medium individual, couple or group readings.

This is conducted either by a face to face meeting or by a Phone call, with the assistance of my spirit guides.
Personal Attachment removal

Negative energies, such as spirit attachments, cords, entities, and psychic attack are removed through the assistance of my spirit and angel guides.
House cleansings

I remove dark entities, stagnant and negative energy from a space.
Earth bound spirit rescue

I Assist earth bound Souls into the light by assisting with the issues that keep them here and indicate to them where to go.
Assistance from the Archangels
Archangels hold the highest rank in the order of angels and are typically described as “majestic fiery beings having immense light.” They are in charge of the angels and act as their captains. Each of the seven rays has an Archangel along with his divine compliment assigned to it. Female Archangels are called Archeia. Archangels and their Archeiai embody the God consciousness of their respective rays and direct the bands of angels that are under their command. The Archangels not only help us to strengthen and balance our chakras but also give us initiations on the correct way to use the light-energy flowing through them. There are other Archangels beside the Seven Archangels performing their jobs in this hierarchy and all are considered to be great healers.The feminine counterparts of the arch angelic choir are called archeiai. Each of the seven rays has a presiding archangel and archeia who embody the quality of that ray and direct the angelic bands serving under them on that ray. The primary role of the archangels is to radiate celestial light into our world for the freeing and saving of souls and for the illumination and freedom of life. They amplify and emanate the feelings of God, which include all the virtues, graces and benevolent light energies, to bless mankind and the nature kingdom.
The Archangels and Archeiai of the Seven Rays may be understood as powerful systems of Angelic energy who support humanity in many ways including their commitment to focus, or flow, qualities of the Divine Nature through the Seven Rays of Divine Light. The Seven Rays of radiant energy, emanating from Source, embody information that supports you in living authentically from the heart. The Archangels guide and enhance your experience of such Divine qualities as love, hope, compassion, faith, purity, freedom, and peace.

Assistance from Spirit guides
I am a psychic/spiritual intuitive and connecting with your Passed loved ones in spirit realm with the assistance from Spirit and Angel guides sharing their knowledge and massages with you.
A Psychic Medium is the right decision to make to contacting to the spirit realm. When you are grieving the loss of a loved one, wishing to make contact with them, and needing proof that they are at peace. A psychic medium can also assist you with Past, present and future decision’s.
A Psychic can’t be a Medium but A Medium Can be A Psychic
II am a psychic/spiritual intuitive and can give information about your future with in relationships, family, work, physical location, health and more by accessing your energy (vibration) field. If it is open to me by you, your loved ones, guides and angels. Its intended to assist you with growth and closure. To aid you in making wright decisions.
As a spiritual medium I don’t need to use any props, as I receive information directly from your loved ones in the spirit realm, Spirit and Angel guides. By using my main ability of Clairsentience ( the ability to vesicle feel, receiving emotion, taste and smell) not excluding the ability of clairvoyance, Clairaudience and claircognizance. The reading gets done with modesty, gratitude, respect and empathy. To assist that the massage is unadulterated.